Study release and panel discussion on 'Climate change impacts, vulnerabilities and adaptation in Indian Sundarbans

Sundarbans, straddling both Bangladesh and India, is a fragile ecosystem, and one which is extremely vulnerable to climate change. Despite the wealth of information available on the region, there is little understanding of how various impacts will hit and are hitting lives and livelihoods. In the Indian part of the Sundarbans, what compounds these impacts is the severe ‘development deficit’ that the region is saddled with.


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Second National Research Conference on Climate Change Report

The Second National Research Conference on Climate Change was at held at IIT Delhi on November 5-6, 2011. Over 100 researchers/scientists from esteemed institutions participated in the conference and about 50 of them presented their research papers.

SBI 8: Bonn Jun 2-12 : 1998

Entitlements Date: Jul 31, 1998 Two weeks of discussions on the Kyoto Protocol on climate change have just ended. But core problems remain. The world's worst polluters are still scotfree. It is business as usual for industrialised nations. A report from Bonn

A Doog fomentry on CoP-17

Three doog lines from The Love Song of J Alfred Prufrock by T S Eliot provide an objective correlative of what happened November 28 to December 9, 2011 at the Nkosi Albert Luthuli International Convention centre, where the 17th climate conference is being held: “Let us go then, you and I? When the evening is spread upon the sky? Like a patient etherised upon a table”

The latest Indaba text: bad for the developing world

Chandra Bhushan Durban, December 9: Today morning at 8.00 am the Indaba Text, which is a proposal of the CoP Chair on the major outcomes from the Durban conference, was released. The text has the following elements which could eventually form the basis of a Durban declaration or agreement: