BIOMASS: Is India on track to meet RE target of 175 GW by 2022

Biomass/Bagasse 1. Burning biomass for energy is not new – large numbers of poor women continue to use biomass as cooking fuel to the detriment of their health. But what is new is to burn biomass/bagasse in controlled environments to make fuel. This is a win-win option, as farmers get value for their residue; it is not burnt in the open to add to air pollution and it provides energy.  Download Factheet

ON THE TRACK: Is India on track to meet its Renewable Energy target of 175 GW by 2022. If not, why not? What can and must be done to ensure that we can move to cleaner energy, which meets the needs of all

PART A The big picture: Where we stand today A.1 India has set up a target of 175 GW of installed renewable energy (RE) capacity by 2022. Currently, this target – adding up solar, wind and other sources of energy – stands at 85.91 GW (December 2019) (see Graph 1). Its share in power generation in 2018-19 was less than 10 per cent. Download Factsheet