The waste management programme at CSE addresses institutional structures involved in waste management, treatment and disposal; helps build regulatory and technical capacities of cities in waste management; and highlights the role of the informal sector in India and global south through in-depth research and advocacy. CSE’s influential publication in 2016 on solid waste management, ‘Not in My Backyard’, highlighted the growing problem of waste in urban areas and carried in-depth case studies from cities following good solid waste management practices, as well as enabling policies and regulations.
As part of its initiative to support implementation, the team signed an MoU with the city of Muzzafarpur in Bihar to develop an enabling framework for solid waste management which can be replicated in other cities and towns of India.
Date: February 27- March 5, 2025
In March 2022, the world had come together to agree on a groundbreaking UNEA resolution -- 5/14 to “End Plastic Pollution”.
How to segregate you waste at home with Ruchika Sethi Takkar
Ruchika Sethi Takkar is a promoter of sustainable waste management at source. She teaches home-owners, residential societies and corporates the ways to segregate waste. At home, she segregates her waste into five different streams. Her message is that waste is a valuable
A year-end roundup of the coolest cover stories—from green wins to eco worries, all in just one power-packed edition!
CSE facilitates a milestone change in Zanzibar’s waste management
Zanzibar Local Government Authority has notified the Urban Municipal Council Solid Waste Management (SWM) Regulations, 2019 on 14 November 2019. This is a major win for CSE and a result of sustained effort and engagement.
A success in Muzaffarpur, Bihar
CSE’s intervention and hand-holding has helped 31 city wards adapt segregation at source and composting at the household level.
Contributing to managing Delhi’s waste
As a member of the Waste Management Committee set up by the Delhi High Court, CSE played an instrumental role in preparing an action plan for waste management for Delhi.
An Integrated Waste Management Policy for African Nations, prepared by CSE, is under consideration for passage and implementation in three countries -- Swaziland, Zanzibar and Namibia.