CSE says Javadekar statement in Lima on INDCs is "regressive"
The environment minister has said that India will not support ex-ante review of the Intended Nationally Determined Contributions (INDCs)
The environment minister has said that India will not support ex-ante review of the Intended Nationally Determined Contributions (INDCs)
CSE conducts real time air pollution monitoring with some of the city’s most well known residents Aim is to measure how polluted an air are we – each one of us, individually -- actually breathing daily, every hour and minute Our findings will shock you
Carbon Budget Who is emitting 2013 Infographics on India Environment Portal
Bhopal 2.0 requires government to clean the toxic waste lying in the factory and fix liability. The lesson is that post-Bhopal, India has laws for hazardous waste management and industrial disasters, but no compliance. Which is why we have scores of mini-Bhopals every year
New analysis from CSE shows even after diesel price deregulation wide tax differential remains. This can continue to fan dieselisation if additional steps are not taken to disincentivise dirty diesel
Workshop Workshop Workshop Workshop Workshop
Official release on Diwali pollution states “No significant change observed” from the previous years. The average levels reported for most pollutants barring nitrogen dioxide show a marginal decline compared to last year. But the levels have remained much higher than the standards, and therefore a threat to public health.
Climate models predict that India will be hit more and more by extreme rainfall events
CoP 19 Warsaw CoP 18 Doha CoP 17 Durban
“From overconsumption to solidarity” is a joint awareness-raising project of eight European and eight Southern civil society organisations, co-financed by EuropeAid. It aims to increase critical understanding and competence amongst European citizens with regard to Europe’s responsibility for the social and ecological impact of its overconsumption on development in the Amazon region, sub-Saharan Africa and Asia.
• The Jasodharpur Industrial Area, near Kotdwar in Uttarakhand, has many foundries operating without the consent of the Uttarakhand Environment Protection and Pollution Control Board (UEPPCB).
• US complains again to World Trade Organization about India ‘restricting US companies from doing business in India’
New assessment by Centre for Science and Environment (CSE) finds large number of clearances still being given by the ministry of environment to industrial projects
Hit-and-run vehicle not yet identified