Rating System for Water Efficient Fixtures

CSE has developed a paper titled ‘Rating System for Water Efficient Fixtures in India’, as a part of its work as Centre of Excellence under the Ministry of Urban Development.

Building water use constitutes a very high percentage in the total city water use profile. The nature of water use within a building is a directly related to the building functions, type of equipments installed etc. Fixtures in toilet and kitchen like toilet cisterns, urinals, faucets, showerheads etc. consume more than 40% of total building water use. This is a cause of concern since India is facing severe water crisis in terms of declining availability and quality affecting millions of people. But, there is ample potential for efficiency improvement!

Emerging technologies in water efficient fixtures can reduce daily water use significantly and conserve large volumes of water. Several countries across the world have initiated rating system for water efficient fixtures to facilitate consumers to identify products that are more water efficient. At present, India has no standards or specifications for water efficiency in water using fixtures in toilets and kitchens.

CSE through this paper has attempted to highlight the present status and need for introducing a water efficiency rating system for water using fixtures. 

Case Study