Making of Electric Vehicle Policies and Programme in Africa Take away from India

January 17, 2025

As countries in Africa are ramping up their respective electric vehicle (EV) programmes to meet their clean air and climate goals, there is deepening regulatory interest to develop and tighten the regulatory platform to drive the
EV technology, deployment and operations. This has catalysed the interest in the emerging learning in the Global South including India and how the exchange of ideas and practice can be enriched.
To enrich this discussion and exchange, the CSE has initiated this action tracker series to document emerging good practices in different areas of interventions and issue specific deep dive to inform the emerging initiatives on EVs in Africa. 

It is important to understand what is working or not working and the possible inventiveness to address the larger challenges related to limited resources, smaller markets, small manufacturing base or heavy dependence on imports, weak regulatory framework, inadequate technical expertise and skills, absence of appropriate financing tools and instruments, and uncertainty around this new technology.
From this perspective CSE has put together this rapid action tracker to enrich the exchange on the emerging practices in the EV landscape in India to put a spotlight on the key aspects and elements of the regulations, programmes, and
schemes for accelerating the EV programme and the scope of the development of the standards to have safe, durable and well performing EV technologies. This can help to inform the trajectory in Africa.

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