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Role of honey in ayurvedic treatment

"The fruit of bees is desired by all, and is equally sweet to kings and beggars and it is not only pleasing but profitable and healthful; it sweetens their mouths, cures their wounds, and conveys remedies to inward ulcers." - Saint Ambrose This quote conveys the all encompassing properties of honey. In India, honey has a special status in Ayurveda. D Ramanathan, director of the Sitaram Ayurveda Pharmacy Limited & Specialty Hospital, Thrissur on the role honey plays in ayurvedic treatment. The interview:


Antibiotics in honey

BIS to Study Presence of Antibiotics in Honey The Government of India (GoI) had directed the Bureau of Indian Standards (BIS) to analyse the study done by the Centre for Science and Environment on the presence of antibiotics in honey sold commercially.


CSE’s Pollution Monitoring Laboratory over the years: a decade of public science Regulations: not working to regulate contaminants Why antibiotic in food is harmful: creating resistance and indomitable superbugs