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Heavy metal

Vaccines with mercury can cause autism, but removing the metal is uneconomical for developing countries such as India

Billed to confuse

A new bill leaves little scope for dissent on GMOs by Savvy Soumya Mishra If the nationwide furore over Bt brinjal was driven by the fear of unsafe food being pushed down the throat, the proposed Biotechnology Regulatory Authority of India (BRAI) bill goes a step further to silence all opposition. The bill will bring about changes in regulating the research, transport, import, manufacture and use of genetically modified (GM) products in the country.


Gobar Times: About Bu$iness of Biodiversity

The steady disappearance of the world’s biodiversity had been recorded earlier, but the problem reached scary heights in the late 1980s. The loss during this decade was described by experts as “the most catastrophic” in the last 65 million years! It was also becoming quite obvious by then, that these resources were the fodder for a booming market...