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Round table on Mainstreaming Septage (faecal waste) Management- Opportunities and Challenges in India

Existing status of septage management in Indian cities can be ranked to very poor to poor, due to lack of proper guidelines, awareness amongst stakeholders, and lack of knowledge skill and attitude of city managers. Taking this grave situation into account,  Centre for Science and Environment (CSE) has made efforts to mainstream septage management in India since. In 2012, CSE published the 7th report- India’s first and most comprehensive survey of water and sewage management in a two volume set publication- “Excreta Matters”.


Roundtable- Mainstreaming Water Sensitive Urban Design and Planning- Challenges and Opportunities in Sustainable Development

India has witnessed a rapid increase in urban population (with expected growth rate of 2.54% population per annum) during the past few decades. Today all cities and towns are exerting pressure on water resources leading to increasing water demand and supply gap.Furthermore, this increasing urbanization in India is resulting in a heavy clamor of “built-up area” which includes residential, commercial and retail spaces.

Roundtable Discussion on Urban Lake and Wetland Protection and Restoration, and Reuse of Waste Water 29 January, 2013

For the last few decades our urban water bodies are being ignored and killed remorselessly. These crucial kidneys in our urban environment are encroached, polluted, and used as dumping grounds. Planners only see lucrative land. To address these issues the Centre for Science and Environment organized a roundtable discussion on urban lakes/wetland protection and restoration  on  January 29, 2013 at the India Habitat Centre.