Battery downfall for E-Rickshaw owners in India
The singular complaint of the E-rickshaw drivers is the battery. Most of the batteries die out in about 4-5 months.
The singular complaint of the E-rickshaw drivers is the battery. Most of the batteries die out in about 4-5 months.
During 2014-2017 India was shaken by severe spells of drought that hit over 500 million people across geographical regions. Unlike in the past, these droughts did not spare the urban areas; metropolitan cities like Chennai, Hyderabad and Bengaluru declared water emergency and several towns resorted to water rationing.
Weather scientists, writers, historians and academicians explore India's most intimate yet least understood climate phenomenon Have you ever been intrigued by the monsoon, a weather phenomenon that has an impact on our food, health, life and livelihood. Or how it is changing over time and what will be the ramifications? For answers to such questions and more, download your copy of the monsoon book. !
As you are aware that 2014 marks thirty years of the Bhopal gas tragedy that not only led to loss of lives in 1984 but continues to affect people in many ways. It still kills and maims thousands.
As you are aware that 2014 marks thirty years of the Bhopal gas tragedy that not only led to loss of lives in 1984 but continues to affect people in many ways. It still kills and maims thousands.