New national investment body should not weaken India's environmental governance systems, says CSE
CSE cautions against Cabinet Committee on Investment bulldozing these systems
CSE cautions against Cabinet Committee on Investment bulldozing these systems
Laboratory study tests soil, water, fish and human blood, nails and hair.
Puts out new data to prove that green clearances are not delaying infrastructure projects
Centre for Science and Environment (CSE) to release its new study on massive mercury poisoning in Uttar Pradesh Study to be released by CSE director-general Sunita Narain at press conference in Lucknow Points to a public health crisis in the making
Will set up a premier Environmental Training Institute near Delhi
A reflection on 'walkability' in South Asia By: Papia Samajdar Aug 29, 2012 It was that time of the day, when lunch will be served too late to make the hunger pangs wait, as well as to order a small snack, because the canteen fellows are too busy preparing lunch, plus its a bad excuse to let a customer escape from their hardships of the preparation.
November 2009-January 2010.
CSE Fellowship Media Briefing on ‘Backs to the wall: Tigers, tiger habitats and conservation’ By: Papia Samajdar Finally, we managed to pull through the much challenged fellowship media briefing on tigers and issues around tiger conservation, and not just pulled through but did quite a good job of it, as it turned out -- gauging from the feedback of the resource people, and of course the journalists who, I believe, need this kind of downpour of information to make them understand the issues in-depth.
Centre for Science and Environment (CSE), New Delhi and Nepal Forum of Environmental Journalists (NEFEJ)
70 per cent of the building stock that will be there in 2030 is yet to be built in India. Without resource efficiency measures this will severely affect liveability of cities The environment impact of this construction boom will be severe as less than 3 per cent of the built-up area today is certified green.
New Delhi, India March 29-30, 2012 Modern society and its lifestyles have become a favoured hunting ground for all kinds of deadly toxins. Our food is contaminated with an astounding variety of pesticides and additives; our environment is contaminated with pollutants and toxins.
Supports the tax hike on big cars and SUVs But says budget is incomplete, as it has failed to take steps to stop misuse of diesel fuel subsidy by cars
Two-day Anil Agarwal Dialogue on Green Clearances kicks off in Delhi with 150 participants from NGOs across India
Wants public hearings to be made a part of the decision-making process Reforms needed in the green clearance process, agrees government. Calls for decentralising clearance and monitoring