Press Releases CSE webinar introduces novel European stormwater management initiatives to audiences in India and other countries
Webinar Webinar 8: Going Digital in Stormwater Management: Towards Water Sensitive Cities Date: May 12. 2020
Press Releases Issue of safe sanitation for all will become critical in the post-COVID world, says CSE director general Sunita Narain at webinar on faecal sludge management in Africa
Announcements Advanced Training on Decentralized Wastewater Treatment and Local Reuse Date: October 9 - 11, 2020
Webinar Webinar 6: Dialogue on the need for mainstreaming non-sewered sanitation solutions – lessons from COVID -19 response Date: April 8, 2020
CSE in News World Water Day: Clean water most effective key to fighting COVID-19 Mar 23, 2020 | dailytrust
CSE in News Celebrities taking up WHO’s ‘Safe Hands Challenge’ irk water conservationists Mar 22, 2020 | TNN
Press Releases CSE helps conduct workshops and trainings in Bangladesh on faecal sludge and septage management
Announcements AMRUT-Capsule 2: Training Programme on Integrated Wastewater and Faecal Sludge Management for Municipal Functionaries of Uttar Pradesh Date: January 22-24, 2020
Training Programs Training Programme on Faecal Sludge and Decentralised Wastewater Management Date: December 17-20, 2019