Centre for Science and Environment (CSE) invites participation in its 4-day Training Programme on NCAP: Strengthening sectoral strategies to achieve air quality targets on February 11-14, 2025 at Anil Agarwal Environment Training Institute (AAETI), CSE’s residential training campuslocated at Nimli, Tijara, Alwar district, Rajasthan. This programme represents our initiative to promote good regulatory practices on clean air action planning through knowledge sharing and capacity building.
As you are aware 131 non-attainment cities including 42 million plus cities are implementing clean air action plans under the National Clean Air Programme (NCAP). Also the 15th Finance Commission fund supports clean air initiatives in million plus cities. In order to accomplish the goals of NCAP (20 to 30 per cent reduction in particulate pollution from the base year of 2017 by 2024) and 15th Finance Commission (5 per cent annual reduction over 5 years), these programmes require implementation of time-bound multi-sectoral action. The centre has further enhanced the target to 40 per cent reduction in particulate pollution by 2025-26 with respect to the base year of 2019-20 or achieving 60 microgramme per cubic metre.
Since 2021-22, the 15th Finance Commission's fund disbursement has become performance-based. Cities need to demonstrate decrease in PM10 levels and increase in the number of good days as per the air quality index. The Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change (MoEF&CC) in 2022 launched a new initiative, Swachh Vayu Sarvekshan, a survey conducted to rank 131 NCAP cities on the basis of implementation of activities approved under city action plan and air quality improvement
NCAP has also led to resource mobilisation through convergence of other schemes and funding in the concerned sectors that aid in air quality improvement to deliver on clean air objectives. The financial allocation is a performance-based-supplemental grant for funding of activities approved under the city action plans and city micro action plans. Cities are also expected to report progress under other sectoral schemes and programmes funded by the central government or state governments, classified as convergence funding for alignment of relevant sectoral schemes to deliver on clean air indicators.
Central Pollution Control Board (CPCB) through Portal for Regulation of Air Pollution in Non-Attainment Cities (PRANA) which provides real-time information on city-wise pollution levels and action monitors and assesses the physical and financial status of city action plans implementation. The information filed in the PRANA portal is the basis of performance evaluation. This is further supported by the state action plans prepared by 25 states. These are to be approved by the Steering Committee and forwarded to CPCB. State and city action plans are also required to integrate 14 Lifestyle for Environment (LiFE) Mission indicators related to clean air plan along with annual targets and quarterly progress monitoring.
The NCAP indicators cover multiple sectors that include air quality monitoring, pollution source assessment, public outreach on air quality, road dust, construction and demolition waste (C&D), solid waste management, industry and vehicular pollution that include on-road and old vehicles, public transport, non-motorised transport, parking and freight. This includes 258 indicators distributed as capacity building and source assessment (related to air quality), public outreach, road dust, municipal solid waste (MSW), C&D, vehicles, industries, biomass waste and air quality data.
This training programme will particularly focus on the multi-sectoral (vehicles and transport, industry, waste etc) strategies for air pollution reduction. The indicators provided by the CPCB to track progress in implementation include strategies for improvement and designing and implementation of these strategies is imperative. This requires a more in-depth understanding and knowledge of the multi-sectoral strategies, how these can be designed and implemented as part of funding strategies to State Pollution Control Boards (SPCBs) and Urban Local Bodies (ULBs) for air pollution reduction.
As current phase of NCAP is progressing towards completion with only one year remaining, it is therefore important to understand the experience and lessons learned so far. NCAP provides framework for cities to share experiences, learn lessons, leveraging their strengths and experiences and work towards common goals. Learning from each other's experience is crucial for progress, especially in complex issues like air pollution control. Therefore sector-wise understanding will guide cities in strengthening and prioritisingefforts and resources to tackle the most polluting sectors effectively while also addressing other sources simultaneously for greater impact on air quality.
This training programme has been specially designed to support implementation, performance evaluation, mid-course assessment of the clean air action plans in NCAP cities and sharing of initiatives and good practices. This programme is for officials from the concerned implementing departments and agencies including SPCBs, Pollution Control Committees (PCCs), ULBs, Transport departments and others involved with NCAP, clean air action planning and implementation.
Training session modules will focus on the following
Certificate: Participants will be awarded a certificate on completion of the training
For more information, please contact
Shubhansh Tiwari
Mobile: +91-8448337484
Email: shubhansh.tiwari@cseindia.org
Priyanka Chandola
Mobile: +91 – 9810414938
Email: priyanka@cseindia.org
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Who can apply? | |
SPCBs, PCCs, ULBs and others involved with NCAP, clean air action planning and implementation | |
Certificate | |
Participants will be awarded a certificate on completion of the training |
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