Analysis of Soil and Groundwater Samples in Bhopal, IITR, 2013

January 05, 2013

CPCB,New Delhi funded this project to IITR, Lucknow vide letter No. A-14011/1/2011- Mon/S87 dated 13/10/2011to carry out the analysis of ground water, soil and sub-soil samples from UCIL Bhopal premises and in the nearby vicinity with particular reference to some selected physico-chemical parameters heavy metals and organics The survey and analysis of soil and groundwater sample sin and around UCIL premises were carried out by CSI,R-IITR. as per the terms of reference of the and subsequently under the directives of the Hon'ble Supreme Court of India.

M/s Union Carbide India Ltd.(UCIL), manufactured carbamate pesticides and the associated intermediate chemicals at their Bhopal unit from 1969 to 1984. The unit was closed down in December 1984 as a result of the infamous accident of leakage of methyl iso-cyanate gas (MIC) (Source:NEER/Reportof June2010).


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