Building Planning and Construction

With resource efficient landscaping and water management techniques as part of sustainable site planning in the surrounding setbacks, building reduces the Heat Island Effect. Heat Island Effect is a phenomenon occurring due to extensive buildings, roads and hard concrete pavement construction leading to heating of surrounding air temperature of built spaces.

Both, Old building and AAGC designed with considerable green space around the building. As a result buildings not only succeed to maintain its ecological climate by shading through green cover and soft cover to avoid soil erosion, but building also has achieved optimum indoor air temperature of 270 C. However, in summer a both active and passive cooling technique required to work interchangeably and maintains the comfortable built environment.

The North-South orientation of the site allows larger side of the building to face East and West direction. This is causing disadvantageously on overall building planning realizing the high energy cost. But effective massing and suitable fenestration sizes and ecological building managed to reduce the overall burden of energy cost without compromising on the building aesthetics.The energy conscious professionals engaged then at initial planning and design stage of both the buildings have proposed with insulation cavity walls on the east and west. It is desired to achieve a substantial difference from the outside temperature. Internally the east wall shall be supplemented as exhibition wall for its full acts as a thermal barrier as well. A staircase located by its side establishes the vertical connectivity between various floors.

Based on the reduced energy consumption and waste recycling techniques for conserving natural resources, the built form display series of cascading open terraces used to collect and conserve the rain water to percolate inside the ground to recharge the wells.

 The textured building façade is embellished with clay and greeneries to enhance the insulation effect by allowing natural vegetation and shading. This ultimately reduces the surface temperature of building due to Solar Heat Gain during peak summer weather condition. Further, the ecological wall adds up to the CSE’s identity to be self sustainable and organizational commitment to sustainable environmental development.  Also, in order to minimize the solar heat gain from Roof, the series of terrace acts as green element. The top cover of plastered soil acts as natural insulating material spread evenly over open terraces, which is also used for landscaping. During winter season the same terraces acts as social place and during summer it acts as insulation keeping the indoor environment at comfortable level