Design aspects of onsite and offsite treatment of faecal sludge for rural areas of Africa

Date: Sept 27 - Oct 12, 2021 

CSE rural water and Waste team organized an advanced design training program for fecal sludge management technologies for the rural areas for Nigeria, Uganda and Tanzania. The objective of the training was to introduce them to the design considerations of various onsite sanitation technologies and fecal sludge treatment technologies. It shall enable them better to plan systems in their respective countries and plan towards better management of fecal sludge in rural areas.

It was a 15 day online training program from 27th Sept- 12th Oct, 2021 where the training program dealt with design aspects of various onsite sanitation technologies and fecal sludge treatment technologies.

The lectures for each technologies were uploaded in a pre-recorded form detailing about each technology in detail and their design considerations. Participants were introduced to various standards available for design. The participants were given time to go through each technology one by one and live session were taken up for hands on design exercises of these technologies. The participants enjoyed the training and actively participated in the live sessions and loved the design aspects. The training was attended by 33 government officials from Tanzania, Nigeria and Uganda. Participants appreciated the training program. 



List of Participant
Andrew Agrey Ndomondo, Tanzania
The training was very excellent. Facilitators was very kind, flexible and cooperative. Actually the training give me new insight and ideas on FSM to all kind of settings either in urban or rural areas. Would recommend it to others because of its importance and outcomes to our societies when proper FSM is achieved. Has huge impact on better life and prosperity of our community in terms of their health, economy etc.