GRP: A Clean Environment Makes Perfect Business Sense

January 01, 2018

THE GREEN RATING PROJECT (GRP) assesses, and makes public, the environmental performance of companies within a sector in India. It aims to reduce the impact of industrial activity on the environment. It also aims to partner industrial sectors and embed sound environmental management principles into their production practices. It is a programme of the New Delhi-based non-profit Centre for Science and Environment. Since its inception in 1997, GRP has rated the following sectors: paper, automobile, chlor-alkali, cement, iron & steel and thermal power.

The United Nations Development Programme and then Union Ministry of Environment and Forests have supported this project during its inception phase.

WHY GRP IS CONTEMPORARY For companies, the choice today is no longer between the low-hanging fruit of compliance and the PR of sustainability. Today, better environmental performance equals profitability 
competitiveness + improved morale + improved customer relations + smiling investors + a satisfied public. First-to-market is the way ahead.

First-to-market is a core challenge GRP encourages companies to take up. Don’t just clean up because you have to meet legal standards; clean up to make your business sustainable-economically and ecologically. Fundamentally change the way the market thinks about how you do business.

Yes, given its market-oriented monitoring framework, GRP is also a reputation incentive.



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