Integrated Online and Onsite training programme on Continuous Emission and Effluent Monitoring System

Part B (Advanced Learning) at AAETI, Tijara
January 18 - 21, 2023

Part A: Registration Closed

CSE has launched an integrated online and onsite training programme on CEMS& CEQMS (Continuous Emission monitoring system and Continuous effluentqualitymonitoring system). The training programme will comprise of two parts: Basic learning (online platform-Moodle) and advanced learning (CSE’s residential campus-AAETI, Tijara). These two parts--basic and advanced learning, will cover topicswhich needs to keep CEMS performing welland in compliance. The course is designed to provide an overall understanding of the CEMS which includes theoretical knowledge via lectures from experts and first-hand experience through group exercises, discussions and case studies.

Program Design

Part A: Basic learning (Online Platform), November 22 - 30, 2022: Registration closed

  • Includes session on pollution monitoring regulations in India and developed countries, PM CEMS- available technology options and selection of correct & suitable technology, Gaseous CEMS- available technology options and selection of correct & suitable technology and CEQMS available technologies and its assessment and CPCB guidelines for correct installation of CEMS and CEQMS.
  • It will be Conducted on Moodle Platform where participants will be provided with reading / audio-visual training material which they are expected to self-study. The course material will be for the duration of 2-3 hrs/day.

Part B: Advanced learning (onsite), January, 18 - 21, 2023

  • Includes session on PM CEMS - correct installation, device operation and maintenance, calibration procedure, Gaseous CEMS - correct installation, device operation and maintenance, calibration procedure, CEQMS - correct installation, device operation and maintenance, calibration procedure, understanding of data acquisition and handling system, data interpretation and assessment, data tampering issue and how to check manipulation, CEMS guidelines and regulatory experience, how to conduct CEMS audit methodology and status of CEMS certification system in India.
  • Fieldvisits for hands on experience.
  • Various problem-solving group exercises and discussions with experts. 
  • It will be Conducted at CSE’s residential campus, Anil Agarwal Environment Training Institute (AAETI) in Tijara, Alwar, Rajasthan

Who can Apply: Industry professionals, regulators, environment consultants, environment engineers, researchers, academicians and students.

For any query, kindly contact

Training Coordinator:

Shreya Verma
Industrial Pollution Team
Mob: +91-8882084294



Download flyer
Part B: Advanced learning (onsite),
January, 18 - 21, 2023

For Part B Registration Click here
Rs 28, 000/- for single occupancy / 25,600 for double occupancy room.
  • 25 % discount on course fees for Industry, Researchers, consultants and academicians.
  • 50 % discount on course fees for NGO and student.
To avail the discount, contact the course coordinator.
January 10, 2023
This course fees includes boarding and lodging costs and training kit fee.It does not cover travel cost from your respective location to Delhi and back.