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This e-course helped the state and non-state actors to understand the basics of developing the Shit Flow Diagram for a town or a city. The course covered the methodology of data collection and analysis and how to use the graphic generator for preparation of SFD graphic and accompanying report. The course also provided all thepossible applications for which SFDs can be used for. There were seventy-eight participants in this version of the course.
To know more about the course, please visit:

ANDREWS SELOM QUASHIE Research Scientist Inst. of Industrial Research, C.S.I.R. Ghana Yes I agree the course was exciting. I really enjoyed the information/literature given to us as well as the case studies. The assignments were super but quite challenging. In all I think I now have a deeper understanding of Shit Flow Diagrams and I am very confident I can prepare at least the SFD Lite soon for one of the cities in Ghana. Thank you very much for transferring such skills to me and my colleagues.
NIDHI AGGARWAL Academician School of Planning and Architecture, Bhopal, India
I enjoyed the whole course, most significantly the manner in which it was structured. It opened an altogether new avenue for further research and I believe participating in such courses organised by CSE can help academicians like me in developing interest in areas we haven't touched yet. So, for me it was a beginning in understanding faecal sludge management and the whole cyclic process that we usually miss while thinking about urban planning. Thank you and looking forward to more such courses and insights!!
HARI PRASAD SAPKOTA Technical Officer-Beacon Water Aid Nepal Thank you for the online course. It will definitely support us in managing urban sanitation. I will be in touch with the group for any support in making the SFD of Lahan Municipality that I work with.
Md. SHAKHAWAT HOSSAIN Engineer Water Aid, Bangladesh I am very much happy to be a part of this online course. To me, SFD is a very good informative and indicative tool to get a visual scenario of a city sanitation system. From this course, I get to know how important is SFD and how to develop SFD. While doing this course, I got all rich supporting documents.
For further information and details contact:
Dr Suresh Kumar Rohilla
Senior Director & Academic Director, School of Water and Waste, CSE
Centre for Science and Environment
New Delhi, India
Training Co-ordinator:
Bhitush Luthra
Programme Manager
Urban Water-Waste Management,
Centre for Science and Environment, India
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