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Biodiversity & Food

Future of Taste

In an increasingly climate-risked world, what should be our food like? The fourth book in our First Food series brings you some answers. 


Blogs GEF under pressure to reform as negotiations for 9th replenishment of funds set to beginBy: Vibha Varshney DTE Coverage: How CBD COP16 unfoldedBy: Vibha Varshney, Shimali Chauhan, Rajat Ghai Lack of clarity on sharing of benefits arising from use of pathogens could impact pandemic treatyBy: Vibha Varshney News Here’s why ‘worrisome’ mutations in bird flu virus infecting Canadian teenager have raised alarmsBy: Himanshu Nitnaware Can fencing Kuno National Park ensure success for the stumbling Project Cheetah?By: H S Pabla Climate change, biodiversity loss amplify threats to child health: StudyBy: Madhumita Paul Click here to read more articles

Work overview

Biodiversity and Food unit takes forward CSE’s rich body of work on biodiversity. The team works on biodiversity policy and key issues of biodiversity conservation. We follow both national and international developments on the subject. CSE has followed developments on the Convention on Biological Diversity since it was put in place in 1992 at the Earth Summit in Rio. The Convention supports conservation of biodiversity, its sustainable use and ensuring that benefits from the use of biodiversity are shared with the communities that have protected it for generations.