The harpy eagle is unable to feed its young due to the deforestation of the Amazon, says a new study. The study was conducted by a team of conservation biologists from the University of East Anglia, UK.
Down to Earth is Science and Environment fortnightly published by the Society for Environmental Communication, New Delhi.
Climate change has made the Indian Ocean more unpredictable than ever. On one hand, there are more cyclones emerging out of this ocean,
Farmer protests in India have registered an almost five-fold increase since 2017, says the Centre for Science and Environment.
Plastic items from takeaway food and drink dominated the litter in the world’s oceans,
Global CO2 emissions need to drop to net zero by 2050 to limit the temperature rise to 1.5 deg Celsius above pre-industrial levels.
Unscientific dumping affects agriculture in nearby villagers, leads to infections
The WHO has developed a framework for the production and distribution of vaccines.