Visit of Hon. Mayor Katihar at CSE office, New Delhi

Date:  April 1th 2017

Venue: CSE office,  New Delhi

Objective of meeting:  To discussed way forward of the Ganga Programme and SFD factsheet presentation

Key Discussion

Honorable Mayor of Katihar, visited CSE Office on 11thAprl 2017. The objective of the visit was to showcase the technology /design/ cost on DWWTS and RWH (Rain Water Harvesting), which is running in our office and to create an understanding in between the decision maker.The visit way-forwarded with the discussion on current running programme"Capacity Building initiative on citywide sanitation for ULBs in Ganga Basin(BMGF). The programme director water programme/water team ,briefed the SFD factsheet and others initiative of CSE.

Key outcome:

  1. Honorable Mayor Katihar assured the continued support to the CSE on Capacity Building initiative on citywide sanitation for ULBs in Ganga Basin (BMGF) and Praised and appreciate the CSE effort on ground-level.

  2. Katihar Nagar Nigam will soon approve /sanctioned (Budget) and the location/ ward / land for the pilot project on FSTP/DWWTS/SWM through their municipal board and upcoming CSTF meeting. As presently, Katihar Nagar Nigam approved the estimated budget of pilot project on FSTP/DWWTS in their municipal steering financial committee.

  3. Katihar Nagar Nigam will be soon sign MoU with CSE Water Programme to get technical support for FSTP/DWWTS/SWM so that KMC will achieve the 100% citywide sanitation objective.

  4. Katihar Nagar Nigam will soon revise the building by laws through their municipal board for the introduction of BIS standard for septic tank/soak pits after the consultation/suggestion with their ward municipal councilor .

  5. Katihar mayor assured to extend all possible support to achieve the objective of the Ganga progrmme. 





For further information contact

Mr Naveen Kumar
Deputy Programme Manager, CSE

Ms. Ridhima Gupta
Programme Officer, CSE

Dr Suresh Kumar Rohilla
Programme Director, CSE

