World Toilet Day- Celebration Bijnor

Date: November 19, 2021


According to the United Nations reports nearly 4.2 billion people around the world live without access to a safe and hygienic toilet /latrine. A toilet with a proper containment system that either treats or disposes of human waste on-site, stores it safely to be emptied and treated off-site or connects to a functioning sewer.According to the United Nations, the total world population is currently sitting at 7.8 billion, this means that 53% of the total population are without access to safely managed sanitation. It’s also worth noting that 40% of the population also don’t have access to basic handwashing facilities including soap and clean water at home.India has made rapid progress in ending open defecation across the country which is having a huge impact on improving water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH). India has worked on improving the sanitation status by the construction of toilets but one of the major problems lies with the type of containment systems and lack of appropriate technology for desludging and other essential sanitation services.

Every year 19- November is celebrated as world toilet day by The United Nations. The theme for 2021 was” Valuing Toilets”. Now is the time to value toilet infrastructure in our homes and societies. Another important thing to value is to be aware of the right design and technology used for making toilets as with correct design and technology one can ensure right functioning of the system beneath the toilet hence shunting the transmission of pathogens in the environment. In light of this theme, the following objective was kept for the celebration of World Toilet Day by TSU Bijnor in association with Bijnor Nagar PalikaParishad:


To highlight the importance of correct design and methods of maintenance of toilets Bijnor Nagar PalikaParishad (BNPP) along with CSE-TSU Bijnor celebrated World Toilet Day at the ideal containment site. A group of sanitation workers who are involved in inspection and monitoring of toilets in Bijnor were invited to understand the correct design of septic tanks and twin pits at ideal containment site in Bijnor


Bijnor NagarPalikaParishad (BNPP) is renovating the ideal containment site built during the training of Masons in Bijnor in January 2020. The site is being developed as a learning centre for masons, contractors and civil engineers, where they can visit and observe the correct design of septic tanks and twin pits and learn about the specifications used. On the occasion of World Toilet Day a small learning session was organised by TSU Bijnor on the ideal containment site where Sanitation and Food Inspector Mr GovindChowdhary explained about the importance of correct design toilets and septic tanks to the sanitation workers of BNPP.

