Anjali Nambissan |
Environment Education Unit |
Post Graduate Diploma in Journalism
Asian College of Journalism, Chennai
Has assisted the team with research for Gobar Times, a monthly supplement of Down To Earth for students |
Sarah Baert |
Water Programme |
Pursuing Masters in Environmental Sciences
University of Life Sciences, Norway
Has assisted the team with research on issues pertaining to decentralized waste water treatment |
Arun Belbase |
Industry & Environment |
Pursuing Master of Science in Environmental Science
Tribhuwan University, Nepal
Has assisted the team in carrying out research on biodiversity assessment for wind power sector |
Shreya Bhat |
Down To Earth |
Master of Science in Ecology and Environmental Science
Pondicherry University
Has helped the team in editing stories for Down To Earth and managing the content of website |
Uzma Talha |
Right to Clean Air Campaign |
Master in Political Science
Lucknow University
Has assisted the team in carrying out research on regional, scientific and geo-political dynamics of black carbon emissions and its impact on climate |
Mayur Pateria |
Industry & Environment |
Pursuing PGDCM in Social and Media Studies
Tata Institute of Social Sciences, Mumbai
Has assisted the team in updating information on the website |
Suraj |
Industry & Environment |
Pursuing Bachelor of Arts
Delhi University
Is assisting the team in organising training programmes and other administrative tasks. |
Shweta Singh |
Industry & Environment |
Master in Development Journalism and Electronic Communication
Utkal University, Odisha
Has helped the team in carrying out research on social impact assessment and hazardous waste |
Showvik Das Tamal |
Anil Aggarwal Green College |
Master of Laws
Dhaka University, Bangladesh
Has assisted the team in organising training programme of students on environment and sustainable development |
Pallavi Kalucha |
Industry & Environment |
Pursuing Masters in Environmental Sciences
Amity University, Noida, Uttar Pradesh
Has assisted the team with research on environmental laws |
Aakriti Bhatnagar |
Environmental Education Unit |
Pursuing Intermediate
Pathways World School, Delhi
Has assisted the team with research for activity sheet pertaining to Irrigation |
Chhavi Sharda |
Water Programme |
Pursuing M.Tech in Environment Engineering
Gautam Buddha University, Uttar Pradesh
Has assisted the team in compiling best practices in sustainable water management in urban India |
Leena Jacob |
Environment Education Unit |
Pursuing Masters in Business Administration
Xavier Institute of Management & Enterpreneurship, Bangalore, Karnataka
Has researched for activity sheets to be worked out by school children and tabulation work for the Green School Programme 2012 |
Amit kumar |
Environment Information Dissemination Unit |
Pursuing Bachelor of Arts
Delhi University
Has assisted the teams in compiling database, sending mass mailers and other administrative work |
Mamta |
Programme Management and Recruitment |
Pursuing Bachelor of Arts
Delhi University
Is assisting in carrying out ongoing tasks for the team. |
Rohit Gupta |
Water Programme |
Pursuing B.Tech in Environment Engineering
Delhi Technological University, Delhi
Has researched on the water issues of some cities in Rajasthan. |
Anuj Kumar Singh |
Database |
Pursuing Bachelor of Commerce
Annamalai University, Chennai
Has assisted the team in sending mass mails of DTE subscription and managing ongoing tasks of the unit |
Sukrit Chadha |
Industry & Environment |
Pursuing B.Tech in Environment Engineering
Delhi Technological University, Delhi
Has assisted the team with research on hazardous waste and hydro power. He has also assisted in database management and preparation of a workshop |
Ratnika Sharma |
Science and Reportage Unit |
Pursuing Master of Science in Communication
Manipal Institute of Communication, Karnataka
Has researched for our fortnightly magazine Down To Earth. |
Ravi Kumar |
Food Safety & Toxins |
Pursuing B.Tech in Agricultural and Food Engineering
Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur, West Bengal
Has helped the team in research on the status of Food Laboratories in India |
Ishita M Puranik |
Environment Education Unit |
Pursuing B.A. L.L.B
National Academy of legal Studies and Research, Hyderabad
Has assisted the team in researching on activity sheets for school children. |
A Mohankumar |
Industry & Environment |
Pursuing B.Tech in Energy and Environmental Engineering
Agriculture Engineering College & Research Institute, Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu
Has assisted the team in research on hazardous waste, social impact assessment of mining and road projects in India |
Arshiya Sharda |
Food Safety & Toxins |
Pursuing B.A. L.L.B
National Academy of legal Studies and Research, Hyderabad
Has researched on laws related to use of antibiotics in animals and its resistance, Endosulfan, food laws in Canada, FSSAI regulations and state of Indian food testing laboratories. |
Swati Yadav |
Industry & Environment |
Pursuing M.Sc (Tech) in Environmental Science and Technology
Banaras Hindu University, Uttar Pradesh
Has assisted the team in research on the status of regulations in India and abroad by Uranium mining organisations and the socio economic impact generated. |
Shivam |
Regulater Programme |
Pursuing B.A. L.L.B
Christ University ,Bangalore
Has assisted the team in preparing report on self monitoring by industries |
Ankur Sharma |
Climate Change Programme |
Masters in Business Administration
Delhi University
Has assisted the team in organising the Third National Research Conference on Climate Change |
Urvashi Venkatraman |
Environment Education Unit |
Pursuing B.A. L.L.B
Christ University, Bangalore, Karnataka
Has assisted the team in research for preparing resource material for students and writing online blogs. |
Meenu Chauhan |
Accounts |
Masters in Business Administration
Jiwaji University, Madhya Pradesh
Has assisted the team in carrying out administrative tasks |
Ezekiel Jacob |
Water Programme |
Masters in Earth Sciences
University of Oxford,UK
Has researched on permeable pavements |
Shrotima Wadhwa |
Right to Clean Air Campaign |
Bachelor of Arts in Economics
Delhi University
Has researched on fiscal strategies for urban transport reforms |
Uttkarshni Sharma |
Anil Aggarwal Green College |
Bachelor of Science in Botany
Delhi University
Has assisted the team in research for preparing and updating database of South Asian countries and also helped the team in organizing Course for South Asian activists. |
Prakrati Thakur |
Right to Clean Air Campaign |
Bachelor of Arts Hons. In Economics
Delhi University
Has assisted the team in assessing revenue sources and potential of urban transport funds |
Shikha Malik |
Industry & Environment |
Master of Science in Technology
Illinois State University, USA
Has researched on problems associated with environmental laws. |
Alicia Cantoni |
Water Programme |
Pursuing Bachelor of Arts in Political Science
Sciences Po Lille, France
Has assisted on researching and collating information on sustainable waste water treatment in rural areas including its recycle and reuse |
Sangeeta Malhotra |
Industry & Environment |
Master of Arts in Environmental Studies
School of Environmental Studies, New Delhi
Has researched on the legal aspects of solid and hazardous waste in India |
Mawii Zothan |
Science and Reportage Unit |
Bachelor of Arts Hons. In English
Delhi University
Has researched for our fortnightly magazine Down To Earth. |
Nakul Sharma |
Renewable Energy Programme |
M.Tech in Renewable Energy Engineering & Management
TERI University, Delhi
Has assisted in researching on environmental and social impact of small hydel plants |
Anjali Narang |
Water Programme |
Pursuing Bachelor of Arts in Environmental Studies and International Relations
Tufts University, USA
Has researched on water issues in Bangladesh and course curricula on sustainable water management |
Nimisha K. |
Industry & Environment |
Pursuing Bachelor of Science in Environmental Sciences
Asian University for Women, Bangladesh
Has researched on urban and industrial waste water treatment |
Nivedita |
Right to Clean Air Campaign |
Pursuing B.Tech in Urban and Regional Planning
Guru Ramdas School of Planning, Punjab
"Has assisted the team in reviewing the reforms for unified metropolitan transport authorities" |
Ipsita Roy |
Industry & Environment |
Pursuing Bachelor of Science in Life Sciences
Delhi University
Has researched on wastewater discharge standards and compiling case studies on Common Effluent Treatment Plants and Sewage Treatment Plants |
Vrinda Kudalsya |
Right to Clean Air Campaign |
Pursuing Intermediate
United World College of South East Asia, Singapore
Has assisted the team in carrying out research on parking pricing |
Aditya Bhowmick |
Science and Reportage Unit |
Pursuing B.Tech in Electrical Engineering
Aryabhatta Institute of Engineering & Management, West Bengal
Has researched for our fortnightly magazine Down To Earth. |
Neil Edwards |
Industry & Environment |
Pursuing Bachelor of Arts in International Studies
University of Greenwich, London
Has researched on environment impact assessment and treatment of water and water bodies |
Nandini Mehrotra |
Water Programme |
Pursuing Bachelor of Arts in History
Delhi University
Has researched on water quality issues |
Anhad Hundal |
Science and Reportage Unit |
Pursuing Bachelor of Journalism
Sarah Lawrence College, New York, USA
Has researched for our fortnightly magazine Down To Earth. |
Anjali Sharma |
Right to Clean Air Campaign |
Pursuing Master of Science in Environmental Sciences
Central University of Himachal Pradesh, Himachal Pradesh
Has assisted the team in carrying out analysis of air quality for some areas in Delhi |
Sachi Shah |
Water Programme |
Pursuing Bachelor of Arts
Sarah Lawrence College, New York, USA
Has researched on planning water sustainable city |
Nisha Subramanian |
Science and Reportage Unit |
Pursuing Bachelor of Journalism and Communication
Manipal University, Karnataka
Has researched for our fortnightly magazine Down To Earth. |
Aakanksha Kumar |
Water Programme |
Pursuing B.Sc in Mathematics
Delhi University
Has researched on water sensitive design and planning |
Gautam Kumar Jha |
Database |
Delhi University
Has assisted the team in carrying out regular activities of the team and managing database of potential links |
Sushant Rao |
Industry & Environment |
Pursuing B.Tech in Environment Engineering
Delhi Technological University, Delhi
Has researched on urban and industrial wastewater treatment |
Bharat Pant |
Industry & Environment |
Pursuing B.Tech in Environment Engineering
Delhi Technological University, Delhi
Has researched on technologies of waste water treatment |
Maitrayi Mondal |
Industry & Environment |
Pursuing Master of Public Administration in International Development
Tsinghua University, Beijing, China
Has assisted the team in carrying out research on social impact assessment |
Subhash Kumar |
Database |
Pursuing Bachelor of Arts
Delhi University
Has assisted the team in carrying out regular activities of the team and managing database of potential links |
Mrigank Shekhar |
Science and Reportage Unit |
Pursuing Law
Amity Law School, Noida, Uttar Pradesh
Has researched for our fortnightly magazine Down To Earth. |
Meenu |
Environment Information Dissemination Unit |
Pursuing Bachelor of Commerce
Delhi University
Has assisted the team in its ongoing activities |
Abhinav Goyal |
Industry & Environment |
Pursuing BA LLB (H)
Amity Law School, Noida, Uttar Pradesh
Has assisted the team in carrying out research on Water (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act 1974 |
Nidhi Mehrotra |
Sustainable Building Programme |
Pursuing Master of Architecture
School of Architecture, Rajasthan
Has assisted the team in carrying out research on options for achieving thermal comfort in composite climate |
Mansi Ghai |
Water Programme |
Pursuing B.Tech in Environment Engineering
Delhi Technological University, Delhi
Has assisted the team in planning and designing of model projects in Delhi and Rajasthan and carrying out research on rural sanitation systems |
Aryanshi Kumar |
Right to Clean Air Campaign |
Pursuing dual degree in Chemical Engineering
Indian Institute of Technology, Delhi
Has researched on reviewing emission control in two wheelers and assessing the prospects of electric two wheelers |
Rishabh Arora |
Industry & Environment |
Pursuing dual degree in Chemical Engineering
Indian Institute of Technology, Delhi
Has researched on coal mining in Meghalaya and coal pricing and auction in India |
Anchal Bansal |
Water Programme |
Pursuing B.Tech in Environment Engineering
Delhi Technological University, Delhi
Has assisted the team in designing and compiling reports for model projects in Delhi and Uttarakhand |
Ritu Nathawat |
Right to Clean Air Campaign |
Pursuing Masters of Architecture
School of Planning & Architecture, Bhopal, M.P
Has researched on assessing the parking management, urban space and land use in few residential colonies of Delhi |
Salma Rehman |
Science and Reportage Unit |
Pursuing Master of Arts in Convergent Journalism
AJK Mass Communication Research Centre, Jamia Millia Islamia, Delhi
Has contributed articles to our fortnightly magazine Down To Earth. |
Angela Oberg |
Water Programme |
Pursuing PhD in Planning and Public Policy
Rutgers University, New Jersey, USA
Researched for exploring sustainable waste water management practices to modify curricula of technical Universities of Bangladesh |
SungHui Sophie Yang |
Right to Clean Air Campaign |
Pursuing Bachelor of Arts in International Relations
Mouth Holyoke College, USA
Has researched on evaluating reduction of emission and fuel efficiency potential of heavy-duty vehicles |
Neethu Paul |
Renewable Energy Programme |
Pursuing M.Tech in Renewable Energy Engineering and Management
TERI University, Delhi
Has researched on off grid and grid applications |
Agnimitra Bachi |
Sustainable Building Programme |
Pursuing Bachelor of Architecture
School of Planning & Architecture, New Delhi
Has researched for compiling manual on building green house including components of planning and construction and a brief critique on the suitability of tin shelters for the homeless in Delhi |
Ankita Mandal |
Right to Clean Air Campaign |
Pursuing Bachelor of Planning
School of Planning & Architecture, New Delhi
Has researched on public transport integration and accessibility near metro stations |
Satwik Mudgal |
Water Programme |
Pursuing Bachelor of Planning
School of Planning & Architecture, New Delhi
Has researched on rainwater harvesting project in Noida |
Ankit Anand |
Industry & Environment |
Pursuing B.Tech in Chemical Engineering
Indian Institute of Technology, Delhi
Has researched on conventional and advanced waste water treatment technologies and zero liquid discharge with case studies and environmental impact assessment for Bhutan |
Love Goyal |
Industry & Environment |
Pursuing B.Tech in Environmental Engineering
Indian School of Mines, Dhanbad, Jharkhand
Has researched on forest clearances of mining projects |
Aanchal Kataria |
Science and Reportage Unit |
Pursuing Masters in Media and Cultural Studies
Tata Institute of Social Sciences, Mumbai
Has researched for our fortnightly magazine Down To Earth. |
Jigmet Dadul |
Science and Reportage Unit |
Pursuing PG Diploma in English Journalism
Indian Institute of Mass Communication, Odisha
Has researched for our fortnightly magazine Down To Earth. |
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