Septage Management in Jhansi Town

March 21, 2023

Towards Inclusive Urban Sanitation in Uttar Pradesh

The report presents the journey of Jhansi which was the first city of Uttar Pradesh to set up a Faecal Sludge Treatment Plant (FSTP) for managing urban water and sanitation. Jhansi has pioneered in urban water and sanitation management by strengthening institutional frameworks, streamlining desludging services, reusing treated products, and rejuvenating lakes and heritage water sites structures

The report covers the planning, implementation, sustainability, and inclusivity aspects of sanitation initiatives and lake rejuvenation work that have been undertaken by Jhansi over the last few years. It also addresses upcoming challenges, and provides recommendations for improvement. The report lays the pathway for many medium-sized towns of Uttar Pradesh and India that are starting their journey towards wastewater and septage management



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