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Climate Change

Climate Change Update

Update | Finance Bonn, March 13, 2014  Developing countries demand clarity and transparency of financial support from developed countries India wants a report card on climate finance contributions coming from developed countries 

Climate Change Update

Update | Finance Bonn, March 13, 2014 Developing countries demand clarity and transparency of financial support from developed countries India wants a report card on climate finance contributions coming from developed countries


GLOBAL WARMING:IN AN UNEQUAL WORLD Authors: Anil Agarwal & Sunita Narain Download pdf National Action Plan on Climate Change Download pdf Submission on SBSTA Agenda item 4 Download pdf Submission by India on AWG-LCA REDD-plus Financing Issues Download pdf Submission by India to SBSTA, UNFCCC Download pdf Joint Statement Issued at the Conclusion of the 0th Basic Ministerial Meeting on Climate Change Download pdf Increasing Ambition Level under Durban Platform for Enhanced Actions Download pdf

Montreal Protocol Meeting

  Montreal Protocol meeting ends; nations agree to study HFCs further No decision taken on setting up contact group to formally discuss the refrigerant gases under the international treaty Read more  _______________________________________________________________


Obama's grand climate plan doesn’t add up Author: Chandra Bhushan President Obama yesterday gave the most important speech on climate change in his tenure so far. In the words of Al Gore, it was the best “by any president ever”. It is a different matter that all the big cable news operators in the US chose to ignore this speech.  Read more

Russia et al - victim or victimizer?

Of the three bodies gathering at Bonn, two—SBSTA and ADP— have successfully adopted their agenda for the next two weeks. The SBI, however, is yet to. The reason? Russia and its brothers — Ukraine, Belarus and Kazakhstan. They are unhappy about the treatment meted out to them during the recent Doha COP in November 2012 where the President of the COP had gaveled through the decisions even as Russia raised its flag to state its concern against amendments made to the Kyoto Protocol for its second commitment period, or KP2.

Whats on the table?

Between June 3 and 14, the latest round of climate negotiations will take place at Bonn, Germany. Three bodies that carry out the work of the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change are meeting to negotiate on various issues. Following its first meeting in Bonn less than a month ago, ADP-2 will resume its work along with the regular annual session of SBI and SBSTA (SB38).