Delhi & NCR Air Pollution Report card : 2017-18

February 28, 2018

Delhi and its surrounding region’s air pollution is showing first signs of improvement. This is good news. But it is not safe to breathe yet. Air is not clean yet. We must not lose momentum in our fight for clean air. We must not lose the attention that right to breath is fundamental.

The fact is that air in this region of the National Capital is so polluted and highly toxic, that all our combined efforts have reduced pollution from the severe-severe plus category to poorvery poor category. And remember, very poor category is still hazardous. According to the health index of the government, prolonged exposure to this level of pollution is hazardous, even for healthy people. This means that all of us breathing this air are exposed to toxins and this will impact our health and more importantly, health of our children. Therefore, we need to do much more to reduce pollution and bring it to the good-moderate level.


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