Press Releases Thermal power plants in Delhi-NCR not following government order to use biomass to generate electricity: CSE
Workshops Workshop on Decarbonizing India's Iron and Steel Sector by 2030 and Beyond Date: February 28, 2023
Press Releases Industries in Delhi-NCR shifting to cleaner fuels such as PNG and biomass, but challenges of supply, cost and monitoring queer the pitch – says CSE’s new study
Reports Refuelling Delhi - NCR A study on challenges faced by industries in transitioning to cleaner fuels in Alwar District
Press Releases CSE-NEMC high-level meet proposes strategy for managing water quality of Lake Victoria at Mwanza city
Press Releases Haryana’s draft notification on stone crushers nothing but ‘old wine in a new bottle’: CSE
Press Releases CSE unveils roadmap to bring down carbon emissions from India’s iron and steel industry