Mainstreaming Sustainability in the Curricula of the built environment Courses

CSE’s 3 year-long association with Guru Nanak Dev University culminated in a regional workshop for the academia of Punjab region titled ‘Mainstreaming Sustainability in the Curricula of the built environment Courses’. The workshop was organised on 30-31 October 2019 and was seventh of the training programmes held in Guru Nanak Dev University covering vast topics related to sustainability in the built environment.

Representatives from the university highlighted the impact of this engagement which goes beyond knowledge expansion. This partnership has been instrumental in:

- Enhancement of curricula of the built environment courses towards sustainability, circularity, climate change adaptation and disaster risk reduction

- Lifestyle changes amongst faculty and students towards resource conservation and environmental sustainability

- Adoption of green practices in the university campus including installation of solar rooftop, passive design in new buildings, waste management, non-motorised mobility, among others.

- Launch of new courses centered at sustainability such as Masters in Sustainable Architecture

The topics covered in the two-day workshop summarized Habitat programme's research and advocacy on thermal comfort, affordable housing, energy efficiency, circular economy, green campus, etc. Over 170 faculty and students from multiple departments were trained in these two days.