Managing Septage in Ganga Cities

November 05, 2020

An analysis of excreta management in 21 priority towns through SFDs

SFD Phase III initiative focuses on scaling up of Shit Flow Diagram approach to bridge the existing gap in availability of data for monitoring safely managed sanitation (SDG 6.2) and improve citywide sanitation planning and effective sanitation investments in urban areas. A demonstrated impact is the uptake of the approach by local, regional, and national organizations and governmental agencies—in particular in India, South Africa (WRC with CSE technical support launched a national campaign), and in states/cities in Africa and South Asia, where there is widespread use of SFDs for advocacy and as a tool to map progress across the sanitation value chain

To promote the use of SFDs in South Asia and Africa, help desks are envisaged at three countries—India, Bangladesh, and South Africa. WaterAid Bangladesh and Water Research Commission, South Africa will act as core partners to upscale use of SFDs in South Asia and Africa respectively. In India, CSE will closely work with National Mission for Clean Ganga and Department of Urban Development, Uttar Pradesh as core partners.

In this third phase, CSE will support the rapid growth of the SFD database including capacity building engagements aimed to catalyze the long-term sustainability of the SFD initiative by establishing a Forum of Cities that manages faecal sludge and septage.



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