SFD Report Bansberia India

November 05, 2018

Bansberia is a town in the Hooghly district of West Bengal, India. Bansberia Municipality was the nerve center of “Saptagram”, a port city, famous for its inland and foreign trades with Europe since 17th Century. It is rich in its heritage and tradition and has a number of historical sites such as Hanseswari Temple and Zafar Khan Ghazi Mosque and Dargah. (BM, 2015).

As per Census of India, 2011, Bansberia has a population of 1,03,799. The area of Bansberia Municipality is 9.07 sq. km. and covers 0.29% of the total area of Hooghly district. It is divided into 22 wards. The population density of the city is 11,445 persons per sq.km (Census, 2011), which is high in comparison to the population density of West Bengal, i.e. 1,028 persons per sq.km (BM, 2015). The slum population of Bansberia is 38,604 which is 37.19% of the total population(Census, 2011).



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