Monitoring Reports September 2008

September 05, 2008

Second monitoring report, September 2008:

The second round of community water pollution monitoring was organizing in Bandi and Luni basins during September 16-18, 2008. The SKPSS Samiti and CSE decided to carry out the monitoring not only in Pali but also in Balotra. The Kisan Samiti of Balotraalso actively participated in monitoring and testing, a. Pali: The members of the SKPSSS undertook sampling and testing of treated effluents from CETP 1, 2 and 3, river water at Sumerpur bridge and well water from Jetpur village. The reports clearly indicate the correlation between inefficient CET Poperation and the pollution levels in river and groundwater. Across the board arsenic and zinc were found to be present in high concentrations.

1. CETP outlets: Besides CSE staff, Assistant Environmental Engineer, Rajasthan Pollution Control Board and the Chief chemist of CETP Pali were present. Like in August 2008, the farmers found the CETP 1&2 to be bypassing the untreated effluents.

The District collector and the RSPCB were informed of the same.

The monitoring of September once again reiterated the fact that the CETPs are incapable of treating and removing heavy metals, which are toxic in nature. Testing done by the SKPSS revealed that the treated effluents had high concentrations of arsenic and zinc which exceeded the effluent discharge standards. Where as arsenic was a border line case, zinc levels were four times higher than the standards. The results were identical in CETP III at Punayata Road.


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