National green reporting system of Sri Lanka: reporting guidelines

July 22, 2011

This publication provides information related to the National Green Reporting System of Sri Lanka and its reporting guidelines. The objective is to recognize, appreciate and reward the manufacturing and service sectors based on their sustainability performance, which would also facilitate them to compete with the international and local markets efficiently and effectively. The goal is to enhance the capacity of the country to address the challenges of economic development within the framework of sustainable development.

This Reporting System was initiated by the Ministry of Environment in line with the requirement set out under the Mission 09 (Greening the Industries) of the National Action Plan of the Haritha (Green) Lanka Programme launched in 2009. The outcome is a team effort of many stakeholders.

Initially, draft guidelines were developed with the technical assistance of the Ceylon Chamber of Commerce through SWITCH-Asia Programme funded by the European Union. The draft guidelines were then reviewed by key stakeholders including: the Ministry of Industry and Commerce, the Ministry of Finance & Planning, the Central Environmental Authority, the Board of Investment of Sri Lanka, Industrial Technology Institute, the National Engineering and Research Development Centre, Sri Lanka Standards Institution, the Employers’ Federation of Ceylon, Department of Labour, and the National Cleaner Production Centre and the Ceylon Chamber of Commerce.


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