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Food And Toxins

Toxic toys

We generally take toys for granted but this may no longer be the case atleast not if we are concerned about the health of our young children.


The Food Safety and Standards Authority of India (FSSAI) has been established under Food Safety and Standards Act (FSSA), 2006.

Food As Toxin

"All substances are poisons; the right dose differentiates a poison and a remedy." Modern food regulation is about determining what is that right dose in our daily diet.

Contaminated Honey reaches Rajya Sabha

Minister of state for agriculture, consumer affairs, food and public distribution, Prof K V Thomas in a written reply to a question in Rajya Sabha on CSE’s report also stated that the European Union had banned the export of honey from India, on account of positive detection of heavy metals and other contaminants, reported in the Residual Monitoring Plan.

Invitation : CSE ROUND TABLE

Should junk food be junked? November 1, 2011 Centre for Science and Environment (CSE) invites you to a Stakeholders’ Round Table in Delhi to understand and discuss the subject of junk foods and their impacts on our health.

CSE responds to the endosulfan industry's bullying tactics

I thought I should let you know about the recent attacks against us by the pesticide industry. You will recall, we had way back in 2001 analyzed samples of soil, water and blood from Padre village in Kerala to check for contamination. We went there because local doctors and activists wrote about the horrific diseases and abnomalities in this region. We tested and found high levels of endosulfan pesticide.

The venom is spreading...

Endosulfan is claiming new victims, though a state government survey puts the total number of affected at just a little over 2,000 people in 11 gram panchayats of Kasaragod. Years after the pesticide was banned in Kerala, it is creeping into newer areas – a Down To Earth investigation has tracked down more cases in Muthalamada panchayat in Palakkad district, while reports are coming in of endosulfan-affected people from villages and hamlets located far away from regions where the pesticide was sprayed.