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Food And Toxins

Material and Methods

In the absence of comprehensive studies in India, Delhi non-profit Centre for Science and Environment analysed lipsticks and fairness creams for heavy metals. Here are the details of the methodology adopted for the study Sampling Methodology Thirty samples of lipsticks, 32 samples of fairness creams, 8 samples of lip-balm and 3 samples of anti-ageing creams were purchased from local market of Delhi. The details of the samples are presented in Table 2 Table and 3.

Junk Food Busted

As we all know, junk food is defined as food with empty calories - it provides fat, sugar and salt, without nutrition. But how bad is it? This is what CSE's laboratory checked recently. The results were both predictable and alarming. Read the book to know more.  


Mercury is a very toxic and dangerous substance. It is  poisonous in all forms - inorganic, organic or elemental. Mercury is a proven neurotoxin. Inhaling mercury vapours can severely damage the respiratory tract. Sore throat, coughing, pain or tightness in the chest, headache, muscle weakness, anorexia, gastrointestinal disturbance, fever, bronchitis and pneumonitis are symptoms of mercury toxicity. Health concerns should be reason enough for us to properly manage its imports and disposal.

Pesticide regulations

Pesticides are widely used in agriculture without paying much heed to the consequences of its unregulated and indiscriminate use. 

Senior Scientist for Pollution Monitoring Laboratory

The Centre for Science and Environment, an established institution known for its rigorous and scientific policy research and advocacy on environmental issues is looking for a Senior Scientist for its state of the art laboratory for monitoring pollution and toxins.