Non-Sewered sanitation system in Odisha | DTE Water series
Non-Sewered sanitation system in Odisha. Water, one of the most important ingredients to create and sustain life, is under threat!
Non-Sewered sanitation system in Odisha. Water, one of the most important ingredients to create and sustain life, is under threat!
From the galis of Lucknow to the ghats of Varanasi, Uttar Pradesh is a state with many faces and dimensions.
Challenges of Waste water treatment in Urban India For long, poor sanitation has been equated with negative health outcomes.
In August 2021, India banned 19 single-use plastic (SUP) items through an amendment to the Plastic Waste Management Rules, 2016
On 13 December 2023, The fifth iteration of the Global Stocktake text was adopted at the COP28, Dubai.
The 28th Conference of Parties came to an end on December 13 with an all-agreed conclusion that several experts termed as ‘far too weak’ compared to what the science mandates to save the world and humanity.
Buying and selling carbon, otherwise known as the Carbon Market, is seen as an important way to combat climate change. Extreme weather events are costing all economies.
The global voluntary carbon market (VCM) sector has exploded in recent years, and India has been an integral part of this boom. The country has become the world’s second largest source of projects for carbon offsets.
The world is experiencing record-breaking temperatures. July 2023 was recorded as the hottest month globally; in March 2023 India received its first heatwave of the year; and the World Meteorological Organisation predicts there will be even hotter times in the next five years.
Indian cities are growing at an astonishing rate. By 2030, around 590 million people will live in Indian cities. The urban population in India may go beyond 50% by 2050.
Right in the residential outskirts of Aundh, Pune, lies a small collection centre owned by Pune-based cooperative SWaCH.
Paving the way to COP28, the 58th session of the Subsidiary Body for Scientific and Technological Advice and the Subsidiary Body for Implementation (SB 58) of the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change will take place in Bonn, Germany from June 5 to 15, 2023.
The Second session of the UN Environment Assembly’s Intergovernmental
The Report on Optimal Generation Mix 2030 Version 2.0,[by the Union Ministry of Power’s Central Electricity Authority (CEA)] offers updated projections on what India’s energy mix for the power sector could look like in 2030.
Why should developed nations be allowed to use natural gas unhindered, while the developing world gets called out for using coal